Tomer Libal

AI and Law


I am a researcher, instructor and professor in AI and Law with much experience in teaching and leading of publicly funded projects.


B.Sc. in Computer Sciences

1998 - 2001

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

M.Sc in Computer Sciences

2006 - 2008

Technical University of Vienna, Austria

Technical University of Madrid, Spain

Master Thesis: Cut Elimination in Inductive Proofs of Weakly Quantified Theorems

Ph.D. in Computer Sciences

2006 - 2008

Technical University of Vienna, Austria

Ph.D. Thesis - Unification in Higher-order Resolution

Industry Experience

Programming Team Lead

2001 - 2006

Quigo Technologies, New York, USA

  • In charge of a Big Data team developing search marketing solutions
  • The company was merged into AOL

Java Programmer

1998 - 2001

Surfnotes and VerticalNet Solutions, Jerusalem, Israel

  • Was employed as an OOP consultant to a formal text book used by computer students in Israel

Academic Experience

Research Scientist

2021 - present

University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

  • Teaching courses in the BiCSM, MiCS and Master in Law program
  • Principal Investigator of the FNR-funded PaCT, iComplai and Exaile projects
  • Demo - European Patent Law Legal Assistant

Assistant Professor

2016 - present

The American University of Paris, France

  • Teaching courses on data mining, web development, software engineering, programming and other topics

Postdoctoral Researcher

2012 - 2017

Microsoft Research - Inria Joint Center, France

  • Research and software verification in TLA, Parsifal and Prosecco teams
  • Teaching assistant and thesis supervisor for various courses and students
  • Within the teams of Leslie Lamport, Damien Doligez and Dale Miller

Project Assistant

2008 - 2012

Theory and Logic Group - TUW, Austria

  • Researching algorithms for higher-order unification and resolution
  • Within the team of Alexander Leitsch


Founder and CEO

2023 - present

Enidia AI, Luxembourg

  • Legal Informatics Startup
  • Ethical and accurate chatbots for legal professionals
  • Pro-bono chatbots addressing legal problems of the public in Luxembourg and beyond


Some milestones and achievements.

Peer-reviewed publications

Grants received (in €1,000)

Courses taught




Since 2015, I have been teaching 31 undergraduate and graduate courses in Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau, The American University of Paris and The University of Luxembourg


I have authored or co-authored with one other researcher 26 peer-reviewed papers in journals such as Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence and conferences such as the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law and the International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems.

FNR projects

I am the principal investigator of the FNR CORE ExAIle project, with a funding of €401,000 until April, 2025. I was the principal investigator of the FNR projects PaCT and iComplai, with a total funding of €221,100. ExAile is a collaboration with Aleksander Smywiński-Pohl from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. During the project we are investigating how to use court decisions as examples for legal guidance.

The LegAi Assistant Project

A project within the university of Luxembourg to deliver pro-bono legal chatbots in various legal domains, with the goal of helping the public in Luxembourg and beyond have better access to justice.

Enidia AI

In 2023, I have founded Enidia AI. Enidia AI aims at creating ethical chatbots which can be used for providing legal advice and other legal tasks. These chatbots are based on the novel approach of cognitive AI.

Academic community

I am an active reviewer in the Formal Logic and AI and Law communities, as well as a reviewer for European projects and the American Mathematical Society. One of the papers I have co-authored has won the best-paper award. I have been supervising three PhD students and numerous master and bachelor students in their theses and projects. I was invited to speak in various conference and workshop events

Media Center

I have appeared in several media events

  • All
  • Programs
  • Items
  • Web

Conversation with Research Luxembourg

Supporting the legal profession by exploring the potential of AI

Ein Gespräch mit

Wie Künstliche Intelligenz das Rechtssystem verändert

Un entretien avec

Comment l'intelligence artificielle transforme le système juridique

Der EU AI Act: Motor oder Bremse für Forschung und Innovation?

Das erste Gesetz weltweit zur Regulierung Künstlicher Intelligenz ist auf dem Weg: der EU AI Act der Europäischen Union. Drei wissenschaftliche Experten erläutern, was sie von dem Regelwerk halten

The Elevator 30: Tomer Libal, Founder & CEO of Enidia AI

Pitching in an RTL "The Elevator" episode

Mobilität der Zukunft: Was noch fehlt, bis Autos selbst fahren

Advising on the use of symbolic AI in Autonomous Cars for an article in the Wort

AI-legal assistant for Patent Law launched at University of Luxembourg

Releasing an access-to-justice assistant

Has the Hallucination Problem Been Solved?

Talking about the hallucination problem

AI-legal assistant for Patent Law launched at University of Luxembourg

LegalTech Talks about the release of the legal assisant in the university of Luxembourg

AI Expert for Digital Transformation in Law Firms

Invited Speaker on DLA Piper annual IP conference

Expert for Technical Aspects of AI

Invited Speaker on Silicon Luxembourg and Simmons & Simmons State of AI Panel


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